For example: this is how google indexes pages This Belgium Phone Number List means that a specific piece of text (on the right) provides a much better answer to the query than the page on the left, which seems to match the topic of the question much better. In this example, a Belgium Phone Number List response submitted to a DIY forum (right) is a better search result than the most optimized webpage around this topic (left). Optimization Opportunity: In each paragraph, provide as concrete Belgium Phone Number List an answer as possible to questions readers may have about your product. In other words, turn your subheadings into a question and answer it in the paragraph below.
Additional advantage: you can also optimize Belgium Phone Number List your pages directly for voice search . Also read: Google comes with Web Stories: make visual stories SEO-proof And with a view to informative pages: make complete pages per subject. Don't create a Belgium Phone Number List new page for every subtopic, but see which content you can merge into one article. Keep in mind the search intent. For example, if a subtopic lends itself to a transactional page, that's preferable! Google Belgium Phone Number List picks the highlights in YouTube videos Soon we'll see more and more "chopped up" videos popping up.
Google's new AI technology makes it possible Belgium Phone Number List to see which parts a YouTube video consists of and at what time those parts start. Basically just like the paragraph indexation, but for videos. It will soon look like this: key moments in youtube vids Belgium Phone Number List Optimization Tip : Create how-to videos and tailor your storyline to frequently asked questions about the topic you're highlighting. Also put timestamps in the description of your videos, so Belgium Phone Number List you determine what the highlights are in your video and you help Google on its way. Google no longer needs exact keywords.
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