Did you know that TV remotes have really come a long way during the years? That's right, some TV remotes are over $1,500 dollars these days! In the old days your TV remote just controlled your TV, but today this is not even close to the way things are. Newer TV remotes can operate everything, your PS3, the TV, surround sound, and yes, even the light dimmers. Most of us don't want to spend that much money on a remote as there are other remotes that can meet basic needs for a much cheaper price. The most commonly used remote for TV's are the universal TV remote. These remotes are great because they operate the DVD player, TV, and your satellite while still being affordable and low priced. Many people love these universal remotes because who likes having 5 different remotes to control everything these days? A universal remote can really simplify TV watching and make programming watching very enjoyable. Universal remotes also come with a lot of features like how to reset comcast remote etc. Most universal remotes can be programmed to learn commands. This means you can push one button and it will turn on the tv, satellite, and surround sound all at the same time. Some universal remotes can differ as far as how difficult it is to program the remote, but most universal remotes have these features. If you need a new remote or just need to replace your old one, a universal remote should be at the top of your list. The functionality and ease of these types of remotes is by far top notch!
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Kolin Lukas, is the founder of CryptoChecked, formerly Altus Crypto. Visit: Kolin DeShazo Poker